Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Edward Finn

I believe this photo is of Edward during his time in Lamsdorf Stalag VIIIB.

My Great Uncle Edward Finn (Army Number 5338107 POW number 12813)was in Stalag VIIIb from his capture at Lille (Battle of Dunkirk) until 1944, when he was transferred to E715 (Auschwitz) for 7 months.

He went back to VIIIb due to hospitalization and was "liberated by the Soviets" who took him to Odessa.

I'm working on a small artist book of his time in Auschwitz and his subsequent reinlistment and service in Palestine. I would as ever love to hear from anyone who knew him or has documents which are relevent to his time in Lamsdorf or Auschwitz.

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