Thursday, August 13, 2009

The latest wall chart

A lot of pieces are falling into place. I've received a number of birth certificates but still haven't ordered Great Grannies, therein lies the proof of the pudding for the most part.

I figured out a few subtle changes, that Rhoda's mother was Rachel Goode and that Thomas Goode and Elizabeth Pearce were her Grandparents, come to resuce the family honor I guess (the grandparents seem to bring up all the illigitimate children).

Still no luck on finding anything about Great Grannies South African lover(s) though I have pretty mch a complete history of Samuel Millard and his marriages. His first wife was a widow when he married her so her real name it turned out was Mary Ann Brotheridge 1854-1910. His second wife was Eliza Beale who I believe was great granny, interestingly she used the surname Beale on both the birth certificates for Patricia (implying that there may be another marriage between 1908 & 1914). The Samuel Millard marriage certificate puts her as a widower (which supports the theory and puts her age at 30). Thus far I have not located a marriage for her to a Beale however. Beale is also her Grandmothers name and her daughter is Eliza (b.1884). An alternate theory is that Great Granny is using her cousins identity or is actually a Beale but the birth certificate for Lovell Glendower Smith demolishes that theory as it clearly has her as a Smith.

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